Online resources:
- The Apple Logo in Unicode
- Gutentag: Simple Rails Tagging : Freelancing Gods
- 蘋果調查:守護夢幻昆蟲 種出「田鱉米」 | 蘋果日報
- MySQL fork MariaDB targets the enterprise by supporting Fusion-io’s atomic writes — Tech News and Analysis
- The H is closing down – The H Open: News and Features 真可惜…
- 我跟林鳳珠老師學台語文 – 蕃薯之聲廣播電台之恆春兮思想攲 – 無名小站
- 台灣應該要有獨立於軍隊之外的國防監察官 | By 李怡志
- Persona: A login that matches your site
- The NES games we’ll be enjoying for the next 30 years | Ars Technica